Rogain: What do you think of the Conor, Cowboy fight?

Schnob: (Nazzle breathing) That gets me so hard. Conor needs a dance partner and that cowboy is ready for a square dance around a cool million.

Rogain: (Cackles) Yeah, good for Cowboy, right? I mean it’s CRAZY! Cowboy is finally getting his red panty night, right? Who else is this deserving of a crack at him?

Schnob: That’s the thing Joe, Conor doesn’t need a title fight. He can fight a broom stick and its red panty night for the broomstick!

Rogain: Brooms need Panties? (cackles) Maybe yours bro. My brooms are all manly as fuck (cackles).

Schnob: I hear you bro, but listen, if Conor wants to clean up his image of punching senior citizens in pubs, he needs to get back in the octagon and give us some of those left bombs from Dublin, you feel me?

Rogain: Yeah, I get what your saying. Cowboy said he’s finally going to get his hands on him. Dude, he can give him some real problems on the ground. And if he wins? Now we got –.

Schnob: Not going to happen Joe. I love cowboy, but Conor is just too good. You wanted to talk UFC 246 Predictions so…

Rogain: You don’t think he has a chance?

Schnob: Hear me out. I’m not saying that Joe, I’m just saying Conor chose Cowboy for a reason. He’s going to get into Cowboy’s head.

Rogain: (Cackles) You literally just said “Not going to happen.” I think this is closer than McGregor fans think.

Schnob: Okay, I guess I did, but whatever man. Cowboy is dangerous, but Conor’s stand-up is too good. I’m telling you, Conor’s hungry. He’s going to drop bombs on Cowboy early. Also, Cowboy has proven he doesn’t show up when it matters most. I love Cowboy, but Conor’s going to be a real problem in the stand-up.

Rogain: I hear you, but I really think if Cowboy can get it to the ground in the later rounds, its game over for Conor. That ground game of Cerrone is just unbelievable. Going back to the WEC days, he’s proven to be one of the most well rounded fighters in the division. As for not showing up, I don’t know. I think he’s a different person now. I know he suffered that tough loss to Tony Ferguson, but that’s Tony Ferguson. He is FEROCIOUS.

Schnob: Joe, Joe, I don’t think it’s going to the ground.

Rogain: Why not? It’s an MMA fight.

Schnob: It’s just not Joe. I’m telling you. A little birdie told me Cowboy plans to stand with him. Cowboy really believes his stand-up is better and that’s bad news for Cowboy fans.

Rogain: Well, if that’s true, I agree. Playing into Conor’s strengths is not a good idea. If that’s the case I need to talk to him. Don’t get me wrong, Donald’s stand-up is phenomenal, but why play with Conor when you have this enormous advantage in the grappling. I think it’s CRAZY to think he would not utilize.

Schnob: I know right, when I heard that I said he’s out of his mind. Then I got on the phone like a chatty Kathy and told my brother bet the house baby. It’s red panty night for our bank accounts.

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