Looking for UFC 244 predictions for Masvidal vs Diaz? The “Baddest M.F.” title is on the line in Las Vegas on Nov. 2nd, and we have compiled and statistically analyzed the outcome for you. TL;DR? Scroll to the bottom for the winner.

If you’re looking to place some money down on Jorge Masvidal (-170) or Nate Diaz (+140) at UFC 244, make sure you take advantage of our $100 payout with FREE entry when you use code “BMFBET“.
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Both men have been in the game for over a decade, with over 55 combined victories. On top of this, both men have above average striking output with over 45% accuracy. Where they do not align is on the ground. Nate Diaz is a black belt killer on the ground, while Jorge is excellent in takedown defense and creativity.

Nate Diaz’s Path to Victory

Diaz may be the current underdog, however this is based on his inactivity and the sheer hype behind Masvidal. Oddsmakers and fans are quick to forget the body of work of athletes, as we have seen in Joanna Champions detractors. Diaz will be able to use his endless cardio to keep a relentless pace on Masvidal, stifling creativity. It’s the volume of punches that zaps his opponent’s stamina and confidence. And if it goes to the ground, Diaz is one of the most creative grappler to grace the cage. Diaz will need to walk down Masvidal for three rounds in his philly shell, peppering relentlessly. Once softened up, he will need to figure out how to get it to the ground safely and finish.

Jorge Masvidal’s Path to Victory

The “East Coast Gangster” is slick in all aspects of the game. His latest finishes have come when his opponent is least expecting. This luling trickery is not going to be easy to implement on the slow methodical stalking of Diaz. Masvidal will be able to land, the question is will they be as effective on an opponent that is not over extending or out of stance position? With knockout artist like Masvidal, it only takes one, and the earlier the better. Masvidal should be able to keep it standing for majority of the fight, and if it goes to the floor he’s excellent in a scramble.

Wrap-up: Masvidal vs Diaz Prediction

Underdog Nate Diaz, by decision. Both men are notorious for losing split decisions, which speaks to their toughness, and their lack of point earning in close fights. However the difference is Diaz can sway the judges with his octagon control and high volume of strikes. Masvidal is more of a counter striker, which is horrible for decisions. If Masvidal can’t get past the shell early, Diaz will take majority of the rounds for a unanimous decision to become the first ever BMF champion.

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