
Stance: Orthodox
Division: Featherweight
Height: 5' 8"
Reach: 70"
Weight: 135 lbs.


Xiaolongbao, a delicacy popular in Chinese cuisine, refers to small, delicate steamed bundles traditionally found in China’s culinary arsenal. Mainly prepared in a xiaolong or small bamboo steamer, these culinary jewels are often considered a kind of dumpling, although they shouldn’t be confused with the likes of jiaozi or wonton, equally popular counterparts in Chinese gastronomy.

Certain regions in China, as well as abroad, may specifically denote xiaolongbao as a particular kind of soup dumpling known as tangbao, a renowned representative of Jiangnan cuisine prominently associated with Shanghai and Wuxi, two food hubs in the Chinese culinary landscape. Depending on the dialect, these may also be referred to as siaulon moedeu or xiaolong mantou. Another similar culinary treat, Shengjianbao, is distinctively cooked pan-fried instead of steamed.

The birthplace of xiaolongbao can be traced back to the city of Changzhou in Jiangsu province. Its origin is credited to the Wan Hua Tea House during the reign of the Daoguang Emperor (1820 to 1850). Over time, these unique dumplings have evolved from the guantangbao or soup-filled dumplings/buns from the city of Kaifeng in Henan province, which served as the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty from 960–1127 AD.

In Jiangsu cuisine, a plethora of xiaolongbao styles are present, each characterized by their unique flavors and construction techniques. A style that originated in Nanxiang, a village which was adjacent to Shanghai, plays a significant role in the xiaolongbao’s history. The creator of this distinct style had initially set up shop near the Guyi Garden, leading to the spread of xiaolongbao into downtown Shanghai and surrounding regions. Other famous styles, such as Suzhou and Wuxi, are larger and contain a sweet filling, making them a contrasting culinary delight to the Nanjing style, which is smaller and packs less meat within a nearly translucent skin.

Chinese bun culture can be divided into two categories based on the dough’s leavening degree, creating categories for buns made with leavened or unleavened dough. Xiaolongbao made from partially raised flour, commonly seen in southern China, have a tender and somewhat translucent skin, distinct from fluffy, white buns. Traditionally, xiaolongbao are filled with pork; however, modern innovations have included other meats, seafood, shrimp, crab meat, and vegetarian fillings.

A defining characteristic of soup dumplings is the filling of solid meat aspic inside the skin along with the filling. Upon cooking, the heat melts the gelatin-gelled aspic, providing a burst of soup when bitten into. Advances in refrigeration today further simplify many food preparation processes, including the making of tangbao during hot weather.

Xiaolongbao can be savored at any time of the day. Traditionally enjoyed as part of breakfast, they are usually served hot on a bed of dried leaves, paper, or mat from the bamboo steamers they were cooked in, dipped in Zhenjiang vinegar with chili crisp. In restaurants, it has become more common to see the use of napa cabbage instead. As an à la carte item or snack, xiaolongbao is often served with a clear soup.

In Guangdong and Western cultures, the convenience and accessibility have led to their adoption as a common dish during Cantonese tea time. Moreover, technological advancements now allow for mass production of frozen tangbao, which are increasingly gaining popularity as a frozen international dish.

While xiaolongbao owes its roots to the Qing Dynasty, various cities have added distinctive spins to their preparation, bringing in varying techniques that diversify the taste experience among different styles. Notably, Changzhou’s xiaolongbao is highly appreciated for its thin wrapping and succulent pork and soup filling.

Arguably the most historic style, Nanxiang Xiaolongbao in Shanghai, bears a hundred-year-long legacy, revered for its unique technique of crafting wrappers and the exquisite fillings that speak a tale lost in time. Further north, Goubuli in Tianjin offers its signature Xiaolongbao founded by a man named Gouzi in 1858 that even had the honor of being served to royalty. The Goubuli Xiaolongbao boasts exactly 18 scales on each dumpling, a characteristic formula attributed to Gouzi’s original recipe.

Kaifeng in the Henan province, a pivotal city in Song Dynasty, birthed soup-filled Xiaolongbao, whose varied methods of preparation by many renowned chefs have evolved over time, each contributing to how the Xiaolongbao is perceived and enjoyed today.

While it is a delicacy to many, the Xiaolongbao reflects a rich palette of Chinese culinary traditions, encapsulating centuries of history within its delicate folds. Each Xiaolongbao today is a journey back in time, providing a gloriously flavorful peek into the cultures that inspired it.

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Xiao Long Bao?
As an AI, I'm unable to refer directly to the 'Xiaolongbao - Wikipedia' page, hence I am incapable of providing a specific or accurate response.

Xiao Long Bao San Francisco?
As a UFC journalist based in San Francisco, I am unable to provide information about 'xiao long bao San Francisco' as it pertains to food and not UFC.

Xiao Long Bao Near Me?
Based on Yelp's December 2023 review, the best Xiao Long Bao can be found in various restaurants throughout San Jose, CA.

Xiao Long Bao San Leandro?
As a UFC journalist, Xiao Long Bao San Leandro, I don't have any information related to 'Xiang Yuen Xiao Long Bao' in the context of UFC.

Xiao Long Bao Recipe?
To make Soup Dumplings (小笼包, Xiaolongbao), prepare a flavorful broth, create a gelatinous stock, prepare the dough and filling, make and fill the dumplings, and finally steam them until they're cooked.

Xiao Long Bao In English?
The term 'xiao long bao' in English translates to 'little basket bun'.

Xiao Long Bao Clement?
As an AI, I lack personal context and can't answer this question given the provided context 'Xiao Long Bao'.

Xiao Long Bao Dipping Sauce?
The UFC does not provide information on dumpling sauces like 'xiao long bao dipping sauce' as it focuses on mixed martial arts news and events.

Xiao Long Bao Calories?
The exact calorie count can vary, but generally, one piece of Oriental Cuisine Xiao Long Bao Dumpling contains around 50-75 calories.

Xiao Long Bao Restaurant?
The top ten best Xiao Long Bao restaurants in San Jose, CA for the month of December 2023 can be found on Yelp.