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Luis Torrens's Questions & Answers

Did Luis Torrens Play For The Yankees?
No, Luis Torrens did not play for the New York Yankees, but for the New York Mets.

Who Is Luis Torrens' Wife?
The wife of Luis Torrens is unknown.

What Is The Contract Details Of Luis Torrens?
Luis Torrens signed a one-year contract with the San Diego Padres for the 2020 season with a guaranteed $568,800 salary.

Who Is Luis Torrens In Baseball?
Luis Torrens is a Venezuelan professional baseball catcher currently playing for the New York Mets and has previously played for the San Diego Padres, Seattle Mariners, and Chicago Cubs in Major League Baseball (MLB).

What Is The Nationality Of Luis Torrens?
Luis Torrens is Venezuelan.

Is Luis Torrens Playing For The Cubs?
No, Luis Torrens is not playing for the Cubs, his current team affiliation is unknown within the context provided.

What Is The Nature Of Luis Torrens' Injury?
Luis Torrens, a player for the Mariners, has suffered a shoulder injury.

"What Are Luis Torrens' Statistics In The Minor League Baseball (MiLB)?"
As an AI, I currently don't have real-time access to Luis Torrens' Minor League Baseball statistics. Please check the MiLB official website for the most accurate and updated statistics.